Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Post #9

I feel that this poster contains Re-contextualization because of how it is used.  This can be a offensive poster towards Barack Obama.  I say this because when or if he see this he might get emotional because of how racial it looks.  It can be inferred that a white person did this drawing.  This can also be layering because it looks like the designer put the background on first and was followed by the picture

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Post #8

This past First quarter, I have learned a lot of different things that made me change the way i think of art.  I always thought and felt that art was only a drawing or a sculpture or something that is handmade.  Now I know that it isn't just a piece of drawing or sculpture, its the beauty and the creativity that artist put into their artwork to make it have their own voice.  Many artist set themselves apart from others by using their own technique and creativity in their artworks.  I really enjoyed the handmade book activity we did in the first quarter.  It helped me see how talented my classmates are and it really push me to do my best in having the best book.  The work we did on the Principles and elements also helped me figure out what art really is.  Now I am looking forward to doing more activities in art and doing more projects like the handmade book one.