Thursday, October 28, 2010

Post #7

From the picture above ^^^^^^^^^^I learned that there are different types of ways you can understand things.  The way I understood the Elements of Art and Principles  was by creating the book we made in class.  I found making the book very enjoyable and fun.  The thing I like most about it is cutting out the shapes and pasting them on the paper.  I also found talking about the books interesting because I got a chance to see everyone's book and how they felt about oher students artwork.  What I would do differently the next time is making sure I have a variety of things on my book instead of a simple shape.  I would also make sure I complete every step throughly.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Post #6

   I find the handmade book interesting because the things that are in the book, such as the pictures that are in the book. Also I like the the way the artist made every color page in the book a different color and I think he did that randomly. I say this because the color of the pages are not ordinary colors.  Some of them are colors people really don't use such as the kind of violet color that is shown above.  If I had to judge this book I would say he did a good job and he put effort into this work. You can tell from the way it looks that the artist took time into completing this book.  One day I might just try and make a book that looks similar to this one.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Post #5

   In this artwork I ses the following Elements of Art and Principles of design: Form, Value, Shape and Unity and  Emphasis.  Form and Shape are the elements of art that really stand out because of how the Form and shape help make this artwork. I think that the artist put effort into making the form and shape of this drawing's head.  Value is another thing that reall stands out in this artwork because of how the artist put the blue stripping lines on the womens face.  It shows the brightness that is in the artwork.
    Emphasis comes up in the color of the blue in this artwork.  The way the artist puts the blue streakes in the artworks face makes it Emphasis because of how different it is from the original face.  Unity stands out from how the streaks of blue and the face are combined to make something.  I really dont know why the artist did this but I guess its because he/she was showing his or her emotion in the artwork.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Post #4

In this picture of a painting, the two elements of  that stands out the most to me are Pattern and Form. The pattern makes up the different color squares in the background. The form shows out with the furniture thats in the middlegroup. The two principles of designs I see in this painting is Harmony and emphasis.  The harmony really shows out in the background because of the mixture of colors.  Emphasis comes out in the middle ground with the furniture because of how the furniture is made.